Fedics has built itself on a philosophy of putting
people first. We retain a steadfast dedication to the
growth of our employees, as it is their experience
that is our most compelling competitive edge in
the industry.

Managing people responsibly.
As the largest employer in the industry, Fedics sets the
benchmark for employment practices. Consistent with our
values and history, we uphold the highest values in the equitable
management of people.
Our Principles.
- Our processes are compliant with legislation and lead the industry
- We do not create cost advantage at the expense of our staff
- We lobby for fair legislation and application of the law
- We allow employees due process in every possible way
- We afford employees opportunity in every way possible

Investing in knowledge.
Fedics is the only organisation in the industry which has its own training college. Established in 1994, the Institute for Hospitality Studies (HIS) offers Fedics staff access to courses ranging from craft skills to IT and business training. Learners emerge with NQF certificates that are recognised throughout the industry.
Creating tomorrow’s skills.
Fedics runs a training programme which aims to ensure that each staff member consistently learns new skills throughout their tenure with the company. The programme combines career development with learning and creates a pipeline of skills for the industry.
Moulding future leaders.
Fedics sponsors every middle and senior manager to complete the 18-month Leadership Development Programme at GIBS (the Gordon Institute of Business Science) Business School. This is to ensure they are able to support our clients strategically and operationally.
Employee wellness.
Fedics was the first South African business to offer nutritionally enhanced food developed to boost the immune systems of individuals living with HIV/AIDS. Since this initiative started, Fedics has run programmes for the management of HIV and invests in causes that support good nutrition for HIV/AIDS sufferers.BLACK ECONOMIC
A Leader in Black Economic
Fedics is the undisputed industry pace setter in BEE
and has a distinguished three-decade long track
record in creating economic opportunity for all
through its operations.

In 1982 we become an equal opportunity employer and instituted an Affirmative Action programme which started the transformation journey that is now integral to Fedics’ DNA.
Since then, Fedics has engineered its entire business model and value chain to support and accelerate employment: How we procure, our training, production processes, business strategy and approach to contracting are deeply influenced by our commitment to empowerment.
This is in line with the Tsebo Solutions Group’s strategy to transform business through equitable ownership, enterprise development, socio-economic development and preferential procurement, Tsebo Solutions Group is a Level 1 B-BBEE company.
Tsebo is one of the few businesses in our sector that has high percentages of black owned status and black women owned status, thereby providing numerous procurement recognition benefits to our clients.
As a qualified accredited training institution that provides training and SMME supplier development we are a natural partner to integrate small businesses from communities into our operations and provide quality assurance function as well as our basic services.
We strive to create sustainable growth and development in Africa through our initiatives, we realise that investing in people is one of the most important building blocks in achieving sustainable development.
Tsebo has been able to implement initiatives that have had a positive social impact and believe that we are on the right course in creating meaningful futures for generations to come.
Best Practice Built on an Unwavering
Moral Compass.

Fedics is 100% committed to upholding and adhering to ethical business practices in every aspect of its operations.
We have a zero-tolerance policy for our employees on any form of dishonest or unethical behaviour, and we champion responsible corporate citizenship within our industry and with our clients.
Fedics believes we serve our clients and stakeholders best when we engage in fair, honest competition and contract with our clients in a transparent fashion.
Fedics is bound by the policies of the Tsebo Solutions Group Social Ethical and Transformation Committee (SETC). The SETC actively oversees all processes, outputs and strategies across the Group for maintaining corporate ethical standards. The SETC works in tandem with the Group Internal Auditing Team, and both report directly to the Group Corporate Board.
We encourage the use of Tip-offs Anonymous, a free telephonic service enabling employees to report wrongdoing. It is untraceable and independent, and all reports are delivered straight to Board level and acted upon immediately.
Industry Leading Environmental Responsibility

Fedics is an industry leader in adopting environmentally safe practices in the contract catering industry. We are deeply aware of the responsibility we have for environmental impact within our own operations and at our clients’ sites.
We see environmental responsibility and sustainability as a holistic topic. For us, sustainability is not just about the fad of “going green”. Sustainability for Fedics encompasses every aspect of managing our business as a responsible member of society, protecting the natural environment, our internal human capital, our community stakeholders and our customers. In this way Fedics seeks to play an expanded and proactive role in improving lives and leaving a legacy of positive contributions
Fedics is governed by a strict environmental policy that we encourage our clients to support. Additionally, we conduct internal training on managing our business responsibly and we engage in many community upliftment programmes.
We work closely with the Tsebo Foundation, and our operational processes, inputs used, and products marketed are all designed to minimise harm to the environment.
Only a Safe Workplace can be a Successful Workplace

As part of the Tsebo Group, Fedics upholds the policies for Occupational Health and Safety in order to ensure that our staff and customers work in environments that are safe.
We support the Occupational Health and Safety Act, 85 of 1993. To ensure compliance in our business we engage in continuous training on accident prevention, and constantly update our GMPs in accordance with the latest practices in this field.
Over and above this, we have an internal team that audits operational practices on Occupational Health and Safety in order to drive continuous improvement.